One dilemma in watching one's diet for gluten and milk products is that sometimes the sauces on the market actually have gluten and/or milk products in them, so we find it safer to make sauce from what we have when the garden provides it. Otherwise it's fresh veggies from the farm stands or produce markets.
A few weeks prior I made sauce from tomatoes, garlic, seasonings, etc., along w/purchased fresh mushrooms. I don't have that recipe on hand, but the sauce that I froze was the topping for tonight's meal.
I don't make spaghetti squash often, as it is not my husband's favorite vegetable. But, in light of our trying to focus on nutritional health, as well as omitting gluten from our diets, I tried another approach to the squash, by adding earth balance butter replacement on top of the squash when I was done. I thought it added a nice touch, but it didn't really make a difference for David.

Once baked, I spread the Earth Balance spread over the cooked squash and covered with tinfoil until the sauce was heated through.
When I was ready to serve, I used a fork to scrap the squash from the shell, which creates the spaghetti look.
One half shell was sufficient for two meals, leaving another shell for two meals for another day.
We topped the spaghetti squash with the homemade sauce. I personally can tolerate parmesan cheese, which I've been told that some hard cheeses are okay for those who suffer from digestive issues from milk products. So, on with parmesan cheese for me tonight. Otherwise I would have topped it with the Daiya that is a cheese substitute and quite yummy!!
My husband decided he would prefer to have sliced muenster cheese with his, along with a slice of the sandwich bread that I baked two days ago...yes, he loves it and is eating it daily with lunch and dinner . Now, with the spaghetti squash, David is still not fond of it, but that's okay, because he was still able to tolerate the meal. I think I will be having spaghetti squash for lunch this week or leftover dinner night, but I'm thinking of using something different for a topping. We'll just have to wait and see what I come up with.
All in all, tonights meal was good. Not David's favorite, but at least nutritious, which I'm sure was the reason he didn't complain too much. And the other benefit was that the meal was not dry. Whether one is on a gluten and milk free diet or not, those who enjoy squash, will probably enjoy this meal.
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