Monday, September 17, 2012

Choosing the Gluten & Milk Free Diet

What causes one to change things up in order to eat healthy yet at the same time give up on the foods that we have learned to enjoy in life?  It's an interesting question, one in which many still do not understand, but a few years back (approximately 6 years) our middle daughter was diagnosed with milk allergies which were causing her serious depression symptoms.  We tried the conventional method of meds, but every 6 months the MD was wanting to increase the dosage.  This was insane!!  To continue to medicate without trying to fnd a cause was unfair to my daughter and the many others who are so easily provided antidepressants or anti-anxiety meds in order to bring calmness to one's life.

I chose, as a mom, that this had to stop!!  I reached out to a different MD who was also holistic.  We brought Holly in, and just from the questions we were asked, he immediately ordered a test that confirmed that our daughter was not depressed, but rather the milk was causing the natural morphine we have in our bodies to increase as she continued to drink and/or eat milk products.  This was the cause of her exhaustion and depression symptoms.  The only trial was that it seemed as thought everything she loved had milk.  Everything on the store shelves had the casein that she was allergic to.  And, to top the challenge off, she was leaving for college in a few weeks.

What we learned was that, as a drug addict, the reason she consumed milk products to the excess that she did, was because she was addicted to what we would consider a "healthy" product.  But this product, that was God's design for cow consumption, modified for humans, was wreaking havoc on Holly's system.  I was now challenged to find ways to cook, bake and create without using the milk that had become a staple in our home. limits, but wait, there was dark chocolate, there were Baker chips and more that could substitute her chocolate cravings.  Things were looking up.  But, what about cereal, bread, and other staple items that were part of a normal diet?  Every shopping trip became a challenge to find what would work for someone dealing with milk issues.  But, we managed to find ways to substitute and were blessed with the small college that she had attended, as the chef and other cooks worked with Holly.  Mashed potatoes were made without milk, chicken was grilled without bread coatings, etc.  It took time, but the transition was working and within three months Holly was off milk and all antidepressant medicine.  We have so much to be thankful for as well as a doctor who took the time to order the right tests to find a solution.

Next, the stomach issues that Holly dealt with were nagging enough to cause another trip to our Holistic MD.  At this visit, it was decided to remove gluten.  We looked at him and asked "so, what does she eat?"  As with the milk visit, we left this visit frustrated as well.  Looking at all the products on our shelves, it was not an easy task to find something without gluten.  So, off we ventured to the grocery store and Natural Food store.  This was right before manufacturers started getting on the band wagon of labeling their foods "Gluten Free", "Dairy Free", etc.

This journey of eating milk and gluten free I chose to venture with Holly.  She couldn't cheat, but the days that I did, I paid for it.  Milk has always caused stomach issues, so I have always consumed sparingly, drinking rice milk for the most part.  Gluten reduction I was able to do, but not as seriously as Holly had to.  I think a part of it, was that I wasn't ready to give it all up, and the cost of Gluten Free products was really causing a hardship on our budget.  What one would spend $1-2 on flour now was going to cost us $7.00.  That's just the flour!!

What I found to be the most frustrating was that these natural products were now available at a cost that was insane!!  These are natural ingredients, but because there was more demand for them, the availability and cost was going to impact our family in a way I hadn't imagined.

Fast forward 6 years, and here we are bringing our youngest daughter to the doctors, the ER, daily phone calls from school for stomach issues, anxiety issues, and more.  Being a mom, I was extremely frustrated and concerned, because the stomach has a variety of organs that could be affected.  As I watched, I could see anxiety as a major culprit, but those lower stomach issues were of great concern to me.  Female issues were ruled out, and as we return to our holistic MD, we are given a test to rule out gluten and a test for milk.  Yes, different symptoms, but the same result.  No milk, no gluten.  Within three months, our daughter's anxiety is now under control with a natural inhaler when things are too much, yet her stomach and anxiety issues are more controlled.

I've become rather aware of gluten in the variety of products, and personally do not drink any milk, so Jenni's transition was already easy for me.  I still occasionally cheated on the gluten, until I visited my orthopaedic physician.  The gluten elimination was crucial.  I lost 10 pounds, but the joints were still aching, yet I knew I needed to lose at least another 15 pounds.  He clued me in to the fact that some of the seasonings that I might be using are adding to the gluten issues of inflammation and pain within my joints.

So, here I am, gluten and milk free, right along with my two youngest daughters.  In this transition, as I write, my husband has agreed to travel this path with us.  The benefit is that eating healthy without gluten, allows us to be full faster with no added cravings.  My husband does not have milk issues, so he gets to enjoy the milk products, but I'm okay with that.  We have always eaten quite healthy with plenty of fruit, fish, veggies and a modest amount of meat & poultry.  But now, to improve our health and to be around longer for our children, we have opted to remove the gluten completely.  This past weekend, the cupboards were emptied of all gluten containing products and donated.

I am 52 years old, while my husband of 32 years is 54.  We desire to live a healthy lifestyle so that we can enjoy life, spend more time together, spend more time with our daughters, and future grandchildren.  Life is to be lived, and when lived in a healthy manner we have the opportunity to enjoy more.

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