Monday, September 17, 2012

Baked Salmon w/Broccoli, by Laura D Field

Tonight's main dish was baked salmon, marinated in olive oil w/seasonings and coated with gluten free bread crumbs.

2 servings of Pink Salmon
6 TBSP of Olive Oil
1 garlic clove
Dash of Italian seasoning
Dash of Black Pepper
Gluten Free Bread Crumbs

1.  Combine the olive oil with crush garlic clove, dash of Italian seasoning and black pepper.

2.  Marinate your salmon in the oil mixture for 20-30 min.

3.  Bread (coat) your marinated salmon in gluten free bread crumbs (I used Glutino)

4.  Place coated salmon on aluminum foil on baking pan and wrap in order to keep the moisture within the salmon

5.  Place in 375 degree oven for 25 min, until cooked through

6.  Unwrap the salmon from the foil and remove from tray using a spatula

7.  Serve as is.

The bread crumbs added some texture to the baked salmon which was a nice touch.
My husband added salt for his preference

On the side we had fresh, steamed broccoli which we seasoned with pepper, garlic & sea salt.  I added a dab of milk free spread on mine.  In addition we had a thinly sliced gluten free sandwich bread that I made earlier in the day.  Water was our beverage.

To top it off, we had a few grapes for dessert.

The complete meal was filling, had color, texture and some added sweetness to finish it off.

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